Ancora Imparo - I am still learning

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Making Oobleck (pictures)

Ah, here we go! Oobleck pictures!


Unknown said...

The photos are great! Oobleck! I get so wrapped up in it that I can't stop. I knew a woman who added glitter or something. I don't remember. It was very shimmery.

Unknown said...

This Homefires blog thing has been great. I'm so happy I paid attention and got your blog!

unschoolermom said...

Glitter would be lots of fun! Make it sparkle! Taliesin and Nathanael would love that! I'm trying to keep up with the blogs from the Homefires list. After these two college classes are finished, I'll have more time. These two are both time consuming. The next ones are a lot lighter of a load than these ones! But I agree it was a great idea. I'm glad Diane thought of it!
