Ancora Imparo - I am still learning

Monday, December 29, 2008

Today's the Day!

Well, today is the day that we start the ball rolling on the Women of Passions promotional tour. I am meeting with Jeanice from Women of Passions later on today. We'll be discussing all of the details of the event here in Salina, a date for the event, etc. I'm very excited! Women of Passions is such a wonderful project! It has even won a book award now. I'm very blessed to have been a part of this writing project and cannot wait to take part in this tour!



Stephanie said...

Wow that is really cool!
I hope it goes well.

unschoolermom said...

Thank you. Everything went really well! We spoke with the pastor at my church and are able to use the church. We will be having a two-day conference either the first or second weekend in March.
