Ancora Imparo - I am still learning

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fraggles and Journey to the Center of the Earth

Taliesin and Nathanael love the old Fraggle Rock shows. They have the first season on DVD. Taliesin has been sick the past few days, so we have been watching a lot of Fraggle Rock. This has inspired him to do some map and rock lapbooks. Nathanael has decided to lapbook on maps, too. The first episode of Fraggle Rock focuses a lot of exploring with maps - when Uncle Traveling Matt leaves to explore outer space (a.k.a. the human world). Gobo Fraggle explores Fraggle Rock often using maps that Uncle Traveling Matt gave him when he left. And, of course, the Fraggles live in a rock.
Last night, we also watched Journey to the Center of the Earth - the newest one with Brandon Frazier. It was pretty good. And Taliesin and Nathanael loved it, of course. Any movie that has volcanoes, rocks and diamonds, and dinosaurs is going to capture their attention. And the movie's short discussion about igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks reinforced what we have been studying with the lapbooks.
I love it when Taliesin and Nathanael get started on their own little unit studies - in ways that just flow together like it was planned, but it wasn't. Such is child-directed learning. :^)



Show Us The World said...

How very cool!

jaci said...

Oh - that is so cute! You realize my kids were born when Fraggle Rock was a NEW series? Arwen is 25 9going on 26 and we still call her "Boober."

Need to rent fraggle Rock for my grandbabies!