Today, my little sweetheart is seven years old. I cannot believe it! Where has the time gone? Last year, I remember he was sick on his birthday. This year, he is just getting over strep throat. But at least today he can get out a little. Kelsey has taken Taliesin and Nathanael out for a Happy Meal and a new toy. Tonight, Taliesin gets to choose something special to eat and rent a movie he would like to see. Nathanael's birthday is coming up on the 27th, and they have a pizza birthday party on Jan. 23 and an insect birthday party on Jan. 29.
I remember when Taliesin was born seven years ago. Right now, seven years ago, I was in a hospital room being induced. I had preeclampsia. I truly believe a miracle happened during my pregnancy with Taliesin. I was under a lot of stress - a lot. And I developed preeclampsia at 28 weeks. I was in the hospital for a week due to extremely high protein levels and blood pressure, and then the doctor sent me home to be on bedrest with bathroom privileges. (I never considered taking a daily shower a privilege before this, but it did come to mean a lot to me). The doctor told me that he believed the baby would be born early, that he would be born in Wichita, and that he would be put in intensive care. I was given steriods to strengthen his lungs (something that I seriously wonder if could have had an effect on Taliesin to this day with his cold-induced asthma). Each week, I had to return to the hospital for non-stress tests and to be sure my protein level was not too high. The doctor was amazed with each visit. My protein level and blood pressure kept going down. He told me that was not supposed to happen. Preeclampsia does not get better. It stays the same or it gets worse. At 37 weeks gestation, the doctor decided to induce me because the baby could actually be born in Salina and his lungs would be strong enough to function on their own. On the evening of Jan. 13, 2003, Taliesin Cornelius Hastings was born. He weight six pounds, nine ounces and was nineteen inches long. Oh, he was so cute! I am going to have to scan some baby pictures in this week to post on my blog. Everyone commented to me that he was such a beautiful baby. His skin was perfect. His color was good. His head was not misshapen. He was just a beautiful baby. I think he still is. :^) Although he would correct me now and say he is not beautiful and he is not a baby, he is a "gorgeous boy." LOL
So, I just wanted to say "Happy Birthday" to my gorgeous boy, Taliesin.
Indoor Gardening
4 days ago
Happy Birthday to Taliesin and Happy Birthday to you, his loving Mama!
Happy Birthday to the still beautiful boy!
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